12002E211Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) | Part Five: Institutions of the Community | Title I: Provisions governing the institutions | Chapter 1: The institutions | Section 3: The Commission | Article 211 | Article 155 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version) | Article 155 - EEC Treaty

Publikováno: OJ-C 325, 24.12.2002, s. 119-120 Druh předpisu: Smlouva
Přijato: 25. března 1957 Autor předpisu:
Platnost od: 1. ledna 1958 Nabývá účinnosti: 1. ledna 1958
Platnost předpisu: Ano Pozbývá platnosti:
Původní znění předpisu

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Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version)

Part Five: Institutions of the Community

Title I: Provisions governing the institutions

Chapter 1: The institutions

Section 3: The Commission

Article 211

Article 155 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version)

Article 155 - EEC Treaty

Article 211

In order to ensure the proper functioning and development of the common market, the Commission shall:

- ensure that the provisions of this Treaty and the measures taken by the institutions pursuant thereto are applied,

- formulate recommendations or deliver opinions on matters dealt with in this Treaty, if it expressly so provides or if the Commission considers it necessary,

- have its own power of decision and participate in the shaping of measures taken by the Council and by the European Parliament in the manner provided for in this Treaty,

- exercise the powers conferred on it by the Council for the implementation of the rules laid down by the latter.

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